Wednesday, October 28, 2020




1.  The idea of Four pillars of Education was suggested by
a.  UNICEF      b.  UNESCO
c.  NCTE          c.  UGC


2.  Which type of citizenship the constitution has established for the whole of India?
a.   Single citizenship
b.  Double citizenship
c.  Three citizenship
d.  There is nothing like that in our constitution
ANS: Single citizenship

3.  In which part of the constitution details of citizen ship are mentioned. 
a.  Part  I        b.  Part  II
c. Part  III       c.  Part  IV

ANS:  Part  II

4.  Which of the following are called purusharthas?
a.  Dharma     b.  Artha
c.  Kama and moksha 
d.  All the above

ANS: All the above

5.  What is mean by gender division?
a.  Division between rich and poor. 
b.  Division between male and females. 
c.  Division betwee educated and uneducated.
d. None of the above.

ANS: Division between male and females

6.which of these Acts provides that equal wages should be paid for equal work to both men and women ?
a. Same wages Act
b. Equal wages Act
c. Wages Equality Act 
d. Equality wages Act

ANS:Equal wages Act 

7. Under the child labour Act 1986 a child is one who has not completed his
a.  18 years           b.  16 years
c.  15 years           d.  14 years

ANS: 14 years

8.  Verbal skills, Non verbal skills, Listen skills are the element of
a.  Effective communication
b.  Self awareness
c.  Problem solving
d.  Creative thinking

ANS: Effective communication

9. The child Labour Act 1986 is an example of
a. Regulative Labour Legislation
b. Protective Labour  Legislation
c.  Social security Legislation
d.  Welfare Legislation.

ANS: Protective Labour  Legislation

10. Persons who are able to influence others and who possess managerial authority  are termed.
a.  Managers     b.  Leaders  c. Organizers   d.  Visionaries

Ans :Leaders 

11. The assistance given to an individual t help him to adjust to himself,
     to others and to his own peculiar environment is termed as ………
     a) Counseling                                  b) Guidance                     
     c) Life skills              d) Group guidance
     Ans : Guidance
12. A behavior or skill what helps to communicate clearly and confidently 
    our feelings, needs, wants and thoughts is called ………
    a) Resilience   b) Pro-castination          c) Self care   d) Assertiveness
    Ans : Assertiveness
13. Counceli centered is a ……………………….. counseling.
     a) Directive counseling                                b) Non-directive counseling 
     c) Eclectic counseling                                   d) All of the above
     Ans : Non-directive counseling
14. In 1990 Peace education was suggested by whom ?
     a) Maria Montessori                                       b) David Warner      
      c) Gandhi                                                      d) None of these
     Ans : Maria Montessori
15. In Purushardhas Moksha means ……………………… 
     a) Divine low                                                   b) Wealth             
     c) Sexual desire                                             d) Salvation
     Ans : Salvation
16. The Study of value is known as …………………
     a) Axiology                                                     b) Ecology    
     c) Morality                                                      d) Aksiology 
      Ans: Axiology
17. The ability of adjust satisfactorily to the various strains of the 
    environment we met in the life is called …………
     a) Adaptability                                                   b) Resilience      
     c) Mental Hygiene                                             d) Confidence
18. The guiding principle of life is termed as ………………….
     a) Dharma                                                          b) Karma                  
     c) Value                                                             d) Moksha
      Ans : Value
19. A method of assessing the receptive or rejective tendencies of the 
    members in the social  group is called ………
     a) Sociometry                                                          b) Sociogram          
      c) Egogram                                                             d) Mimesis
     Ans :  Sociometry
20. The deliberate imitation of the behavior of one group of people by 
     another as a factor of social change is termed as ……
      a) Group morale                                              b) Sociometry                            
      c) Mimesis                                                          d) Sociogram

       Ans  : Mimesis

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